Our October Athlete of the Month is our talented Rahaf. She plays the flute and also a member of a schoolband. She likes to read english and french books as well as to watch Marvel movies and have sushi food trips. Her favorite sports & hobbies are swimming, gymnastics and ballet. Rahaf is confident, honest, kind, and trustworthy. She wants to become a successful Doctor someday.

Our Athlete of the Month for September is our Karate Kid-Black Belter, Yousef Taqi. He also moved up to Orange Level few weeks ago. He likes to play Roblox with his cousins. Loves to eat pizza and his latest favorite movie is “Addams Family 2”. Coach Ann of Fury Fitness Gym helps him prepare his body and mind for his Martial Arts Trainings. Yousef’s smile is like the sunshine that brightens up everyones day.

Our Athlete of the Month for August 2022 is our sporty-artist Naya. She loves painting and drawing as well as swimming, basketball and gymnastics. She also like teaching mathematics for children younger than her. She tends to eat healthy foods like bananas, peanut butter and honey. Her favorite movies are Peter Rabbit and Matilda. She's a smart happy girl, very helpful and full of positive vibes.

For the month of July 2022 is our strong but sweet Ghada. Her favorite movies are Encanto & Alladin and likes to eat fettuccine, chicken & potatoes. Her hobbies are reading, drawing, swimming and gymnastics. She's Also into Taekwondo training and Certified Green Belter. She is going to join New English School for next academic year in her Grade 5. She's joyful daughter, confident, compassionate and best friend of all.

For the month of June 2022 is our friendly buddy Yusuf. He likes to go swimming, tennis, cycling and of course going to Fury Fitness Gym. He is very well disciplined, smart & organized. Likes to do coloring stuff at home and enjoys PlayStation games. His favorite foods are Mulikhiya with chicken and chocolate muffins, pancakes and pretzels. He is one of the fast learners in the class.

The Athelete of the Month for May is our bubbly girl-boss, Elissa. Elissa strives to be the best in every training session. Her favorite sport is basketball. She loves to eat chicken meals and a fan of Disney movies.

Our March 2022 Athlete of the Month is our Energy Boy, Abdulrazaqq. Favorite thing to do is push the limit, loves soccer but his favorite is basketball and also a great swimmer. Favorite exercise is pushups and aim to do the clapping pushups.

Our December 2021 Athlete of the Month is a multi-talented kid. He's a swimmer, football passionate and a fan of story reading. He's confident and he always gives from all his heart to get the prize.